Your credit score will have a huge impact on your motorcycle loan. Pulling your credit before you apply for a motorcycle loan is crucial. You want to make sure that all of the information on your credit report is 100% accurate. You need to be certain that there is not any incorrect data, or even outdated information. In addition, we will route your application based on your credit rating.

You Can Your FREE 2019 Credit Scores & Credit Report HERE!

What Information You Need In Order To Get Your Credit Report
You are going to need to provide basic information like your name, social security number, address and date of birth. If you have been living at your current residence for less than two years, you will likely have to provide that your previous address. In addition to this basic info, you are definitely going to have to provide the reporting agency with information that you, and only you, would know. For example, they may ask you how much you car loan or mortgage payment is.

Why You Want to Get a Copy of Your Credit Report
As mentioned, you want to make sure that all of the information on your credit report is accurate and up-to-date. You also want to make sure that nobody is using your personal information to commit fraud. This is known as identity theft.

Any inaccurate, outdated or damaging (identity theft fraud) can not only effect the rates you receive for your financing, you jeopardize your chances of getting approved.

How to Properly Fix Your Credit Report
It is a law that all Federal Consumer Reporting Agencies (FCRA) must fix any incorrect information. It is also the obligation of the company providing the erroneous information to contact the FCRAs and update the incorrect info.

To get your info up-to-date you will need to write a letter to the FCRA, informing them of the incorrect data. They have 30 days to conduct their own investigation, unless your claim is frivolous. They are also obligated to forward your request to the company that provided the information. If the info provider finds your claim to be accurate, they must contact all three major credit reporting agencies, Experian, TransUnion and Equifax to request that the erroneous information be removed from your file. You will then receive a written confirmation from both the FCRAs and the faulting company informing you that your file has been updated and the bad data has been removed.

Once your credit is in order, you can learn how to maintain a good credit rating.

Bad Credit Motorcycle Loan Tips


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